I also volunteered my time to assist the hanging of student art murals in the ViBe district. I am very proud that Virginia Beach City has recognized the need to support local artists and extends that support to the local schools. The artwork these young artists created is outstanding and I was glad to help install it at the "green fence" in the ViBe district! (It was really amazing to see the finished products and I had been subbing in that school and helped the kids on the mural project!)
The highlight for the end of this school year was an art show I was able to attend. I was asked to create the award plaques for the students. I love wood working and made six plaques that were then adorned with mermaids to recognize the artwork of the young artists. Attending the awards reception and seeing how much the students loved their awards was very satisfying. I even had a parent personally thank me for taking the time to create the plaques.
Ultimately this year I learned that you get out what you put in. I plan on continuing to put forth 110% in my commitment to becoming a strong art teacher. I am grateful for the opportunities I had to learn and grow this year and look forward to seeing what comes next!
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